论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Dependence of piezoresistive behavior upon Cu content in Cu-DLC nanocomposite films | DIAMOND & RELATED MATERIALS | 闫春良,郭鹏,周靖远,陈仁德,汪爱英 | 2023 |
High-performance amorphous carbon/PDMS flexible strain sensors by introducing low interfacial mismatch | DIAMOND & RELATED MATERIALS | 周靖远,郭鹏,闫春良,陈仁德,崔丽,魏菁,汪爱英 | 2023 |
Low-density HiPIMS favored ultrthick and companct chromium coatings on Zircaloy-4 alloys | PHYSICA SCRIPTA | 周广学,陈仁德,王振玉,柯培玲,汪爱英 | 2023 |
Improved electrochemical detection of copper ions in nitrogen doped ta-C films for marine corrosive monitoring | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 魏菁,江者也,唐紫妍,郭鹏,柯培玲,汪爱英 | 2023 |
In-depth Li+ transportation in three-dimensionalized nanodiamond network for improved liquid and solid lithium metal batteries | NANO ENERGY | 李振东,陈家和,宋立波,熊滕鹏,谢卫萍,姚霞银 | 2023 |
LiAlO2 modified Li negative electrode with Li10GeP2S12 electrolyte for stable all-solid-state lithium batteries | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 常新双,吴铭,姚霞银 | 2023 |
Latest advances and perspectives of liquid biopsy for cancer diagnostics driven by microfluidic on-chip assays | LAB ON A CHIP | 谢育娇,徐夏薇,林杰,吴爱国 | 2023 |
Improved thermoelectric properties in n-type polycrystalline SnSe0.95 by PbCl2 doping | MATERIALS ADVANCES | 张馨,蔡剑锋,谈小建,庄帅,张宗委,胡皓阳,吴洁华,刘国强,蒋俊 | 2023 |
Zn-alloying sites with self-adsorbed molecular crowding layer as a stable interfacial structure of Zn electrodes | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 毕文琦,柴晶晶,孟兰芬,李振东,熊滕鹏,姚霞银 | 2023 |
Embedding alloying sites in a lithiated polymer matrix as a stable interphase of lithium electrodes | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | 熊滕鹏,李振东,姚霞银 | 2023 |