论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Exploring rhythmic visual cue impacts on gait initiation using functional EEG source connectivity | 2023 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTING AND SIGNAL PROCESSING | 严文峰,周慧琳,吴佳佳,江文松,左国坤,施长城 | 2023 |
Tunable Optical Constants of Aluminum Tungsten Bronzes in Electrochromic Tungsten Oxide Thin Films | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 宋坤润,翁诗晨,曹鸿涛,张洪亮 | 2023 |
SiAlON composite films with strengthened chemical intermixing for wide infrared absorption band | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 姜雨欣,陈芝琳,熊辉,张秋菊,高俊华,曹鸿涛 | 2023 |
Highly Efficient Depolymerization of Waste Polyesters Enabled by Transesterification/Hydrogenation Relay Under Mild Conditions | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE | 胡越,张诗云,徐娟芳,刘源,余嫒嫒,谢银君 | 2023 |
In Situ Raman Observation of Zinc-Induced Structural Dynamics and Charge Transfer of a Layered V2O | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY | 王纯建,谢卫萍,曹鸿涛,高俊华,张洪亮 | 2023 |
Nucleation and Growth of Low Resistivity Copper Thin Films on Polyimide Substrates by Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 高子泓,高俊华,曹鸿涛,张洪亮 | 2023 |
渐变型流道燃料电池热-电-力-化多场耦合数值模拟 | 力学季刊 | 官万兵 | 2023 |
硅烷化改性Beta 分子筛催化乙酰丙酸酯化合成乙酰丙酸正丁酯的性能研究 | 现代化工 | 卢欣欣,胡华雷,张业新,张建 | 2023 |
Guanidinium manipulated interfacial polymerization for polyamide nanofiltration membranes with ultra-high permselectivity | JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE | 许舒婷,刘佳欢,王建强,林海波,韩秋,刘富 | 2023 |
Highly efficient recovery of viscous oil through nondispersive solvent extraction using polydopamine modified PVDF Janus membrane | JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING | 刘萌萌,王建强,丁雅杰,刘富 | 2023 |