论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Ultrafine iridium nanoparticles prepared by surfactant-free method for acidic oxygen evolution reaction | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS | 陈安阳,邓梦婷,陆之毅,林贻超,陈亮 | 2023 |
Multiple Charge Transfer Processes Enable Blue Emitter for Highly Efficient OLEDs | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 李伟,张家森,葛子义 | 2023 |
热解法回收T300J碳纤维强度保留率影响因素研究 | 合成纤维工业 | 王大程,廖丽坤,钟俊俊,衡芳芳,李莹莹,张永刚 | 2023 |
Purely Nitrogen-Based Multi-Resonance Deep-Blue Emitter with an Ultralow y Color Coordinate of < 0.03 via Rationally Intramolecular Charge Transfer | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 罗明,李伟,张家森,王之川,李勇,葛子义 | 2023 |
Recent advances in calculating potential of zero charge and Helmholtz capacitance of metal/aqueous solution interfaces from ab initio molecular dynamics | CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY | 王雪,况永波,乐家波 | 2023 |
DNA nanomaterials-empowered surface engineering of extracellular vesicles | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 姚旭翔,何东东,魏鹏瑶,牛梓彤,陈浩1,李琳,付盼,王艺婷,楼赛云,钱四化,王凯喆,郑建萍,左国坤 | 2023 |
DNA-Programmed Stem Cell Niches via Orthogonal Extracellular Vesicle–Cell Communications | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 王凯喆 | 2023 |
AIEgen configuration transition and aggregation enable dual prompt emission for single-component nondoped white OLEDs | AGGREGATE | 张家森,李伟,白永奇,葛子义 | 2023 |
Cooperative Passivation Exciton Quenching Triggers Surpassing 30% External Quantum Efficiency for a Deep-Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diode | LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS | 张家森,李伟,孟员员,葛子义 | 2023 |
Self-Assembly of Polyoxometalate-Based Sub-1 nm Polyhedral Building Blocks into Rhombic Dodecahedral Superstructures | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 王田,王炜,何佩雷 | 2023 |