

论文题目 刊物 本单位作者 年度
Photoexcited Single-Electron Transfer for Efficient Green Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonate from CO2 ACS MATERIALS LETTERS 田子奇,陈亮 2023
Four-functional iron/copper sulfide heterostructure for alkaline hybrid zinc batteries and water splitting CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 潘典辉,田子奇 2023
A Peach-Kernel-Derived Ultramicroporous Carbon with Extremely High CO2 Capture Ability CHEMISTRYSELECT 水立弘,林贻超 2023
涵道风扇电推进系统关键应用技术探讨 推进技术 熊俊辉,陈新民,俞浪,胡雄龙 2023
Boosted interfacial charge dynamics on the SnO2/ SnS2 heterointerface by gradient sulfur diffusion for microwave absorption and electric–thermal conversion JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 雷镇匡,宁明强,庄学恒,满其奎,沈保根 2023
Biomass-derived 6-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-2H-pyran-3(6H)-one: Green synthesis and antibacterial potential INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS 郝盼盼,杜恩辉,吕明鑫,张彤彤,淮丽媛,谌春林,张建 2023
Two-Dimensional MXenes derived from Medium/High-entropy MAX phases M2GaC (M=Ti/V/Nb/Ta/Mo) and their Electrochemical Performance SMALL METHODS 李友兵,梁坤,陈科,李勉,都时禹,柴之芳,黄庆 2023
Rapid Curing of Liquid Polycarbosilane and Its Conversion into Protective Coating SILICON 龚坚,王袁杰,裴学良,皇静,黄政仁,黄庆 2023
Improved thermal stability and irradiation tolerance of oxide dispersion strengthened chromium coatings JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 李宇航,李朋,孟凡平 2023
Chemical scissor–mediated structural editing of layered transition metal carbides SCIENCE 丁浩明,李友兵,李勉,陈科,梁坤,陈国新,柴之芳,都时禹,黄庆 2023