论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Self-powered MSM solar-blind AlGaN photodetector realized by in-plane polarization modulation | OPTICS LETTERS | 张佳欣,夏诗鸿,邓立琼,刘坤梓,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
Temperature-Dependent Optical Behaviors and Demonstration of Carrier Localization in Polar and Semipolar AlGaN Multiple Quantum Wells0 | CRYSTALS | 欧阳平,刘坤梓,张佳欣,陈秋爽,邓立琼,陈荔,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
A distinctive architecture design of lateral pn type GaN ultraviolet photodetectors via a numerical simulation | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS | 夏诗鸿,李表敏,杨阵海,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
The incorporation of AlScN ferroelectric gate dielectric in AlGaN/GaN-HEMT with polarization modulated threshold voltage | APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS | 赵紫辉,戴贻钧,孟凡平,陈荔,刘坤梓,罗天,于哲涵,杨阵海,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
Design and Optimization of Self-Isolation GaN HEMT with Lateral-Polarity-Structure | PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS | 戴贻钧,赵紫辉,罗天,于哲涵,陈荔,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
Current crowding in deep ultraviolet light-emitting diodes with fish-bone shaped p-electrode by microscopic emission investigation | SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 陈荔,陈秋爽,陈聪,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
Lateral polarity controlled quasi-vertical GaN Schottky barrier diode with sidewalls absence of plasma damages | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 戴贻钧,赵紫辉,罗天,于哲涵,郭炜,叶继春 | 2023 |
Analysis of Structural Tolerance Influences on Thrust Ripple of U-shaped Ironless Permanent Magnet Linear Motor | 无 | 李令臣,张杰,邱书恒,黄桦林,闫文远,张驰 | 2023 |
Polyphosphazene nanotubes/carbon fibers hierarchical hybrid reinforcement for improving interfacial adhesion of polyamide 6 composites | IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL | 徐海兵,祝颖丹,颜春,刘东 | 2023 |
基于全向移动机器人的改进A star全局路径规划算法研究 | 计算机应用与软件 | 徐永胜,郑天江,陈义坤,邵兵兵,李齐,李政霖,李华民 | 2023 |