论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Study on near-field acoustic levitation characteristics in a pressurized environment | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 李荣和,李一飞,桑汉德,赵夙 | 2022 |
Cellulose nanofiber reinforced poly (lactic acid) with enhanced rheology, crystallization and foaming ability | CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 任倩,吴明辉,汪龙,郑文革 | 2022 |
Antifouling PVDF membranes fabricated via progressive potassium ion-π assembly of dopamine | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 宋海明,朱丽静,张文辉,王刚,曾志翔 | 2022 |
Fe-based Prussian blue cubes confined in graphene oxide nanosheets for the catalytic degradation of dyes in wastewater | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 宋海明,朱丽静,王依,王刚,曾志翔 | 2022 |
Zwitterionic polyvinylidene fluoride membranes with strong underwater superoleophobicity and oil-fouling resistance for oily water purification | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 杨玉玲,李曼曼,朱丽静,王刚,曾志翔 | 2022 |
High flux and high selectivity thin-film composite membranes based on ultrathin polyethylene porous substrates for continuous removal of anionic dyes | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 张文辉,宋海明,朱丽静,王刚,曾志翔 | 2022 |
Poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes with underwater superoleophobicity for highly efficient separation of oil-in-water emulsions in resisting fouling | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 杨浩,杨玉玲,朱丽静,曾志翔,刘栓 | 2022 |
Distributed Adaptive Tobit Kalman Filter for Networked Systems Under Sensor Delays and Censored Measurements | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL AND INFORMATION PROCESSING OVER NETWORKS | 张家豪,赵夙 | 2022 |
EMD based time-frequency denoising algorithm for the self-sensing of vibration signals in ultrasonic assisted grinding | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 张家豪,桑汉德,赵夙 | 2022 |
Air exposure towards stable Li/Li10GeP2S12 interface for all-solid-state lithium batteries | MATERIALS FUTURES | 翁伟,周冬,刘高瞻,沈麟,李梦琪,常新双,姚霞银 | 2022 |