论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Reducing the Open-Circuit Voltage Loss of PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells via Hybrid Ligand Exchange Treatment | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 黄腾祚,武春艳,杨金鹏,钱磊,向超宇 | 2023 |
Evaluating RNN and Its Improved Models for Lithium Battery SoH and BRL Prediction | PROCEEDINGS OF 2023 CHINESE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE | 王继强,陈新民 | 2023 |
Tough and lightweight polyimidecellulose nanofiber aerogels with hierarchical porous structures as an efficient air purifier | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 乔士亚,阎敬灵,王震 | 2023 |
新型生物基聚酰胺的研究进展 | 塑料工业 | 陈万丁,刘艳林,汤兆宾 | 2023 |
基于几何设计法的航空发动机有限频域稳态抗扰控制器设计 | 航空学报 | 王继强,陈新民 | 2023 |
不同配体的稀土金属配合物在烯烃聚合领域的研究进展 | 化学学报 | 阎敬灵 | 2023 |
Translucent-Colored radiative coolers based on localized surface plasmon resonances for Energy-Efficient windows | SOLAR ENERGY | 程捷,黄雪梅,鲁越晖,宋伟杰 | 2023 |
Harnessing LSTM for Nonlinear Ship Deck Motion Prediction in UAV Autonomous Landing amidst High Sea States | COMPUTER SCIENCE | 陈新民,林跃,王继强 | 2023 |
Design of the Double-Sided Flat Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor with the Same Number of Poles and Slots | 会议 | 杨九铜,陈进华,乔继军,杨桂林,张驰 | 2023 |
Fast Calculation of Electromagnetic Force and Vibration for Surface Mounted PMSM Considering Spatial Harmonic Suppression | 2023 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND SYSTEMS (ICEMS) | 赵士豪,陈进华,高云鹏,张驰 | 2023 |