

论文题目 刊物 本单位作者 年度
Reducing the Open-Circuit Voltage Loss of PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cells via Hybrid Ligand Exchange Treatment ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 黄腾祚,武春艳,杨金鹏,钱磊,向超宇 2023
Evaluating RNN and Its Improved Models for Lithium Battery SoH and BRL Prediction PROCEEDINGS OF 2023 CHINESE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS CONFERENCE 王继强,陈新民 2023
Tough and lightweight polyimidecellulose nanofiber aerogels with hierarchical porous structures as an efficient air purifier SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 乔士亚,阎敬灵,王震 2023
新型生物基聚酰胺的研究进展 塑料工业 陈万丁,刘艳林,汤兆宾 2023
基于几何设计法的航空发动机有限频域稳态抗扰控制器设计 航空学报 王继强,陈新民 2023
不同配体的稀土金属配合物在烯烃聚合领域的研究进展 化学学报 阎敬灵 2023
Translucent-Colored radiative coolers based on localized surface plasmon resonances for Energy-Efficient windows SOLAR ENERGY 程捷,黄雪梅,鲁越晖,宋伟杰 2023
Harnessing LSTM for Nonlinear Ship Deck Motion Prediction in UAV Autonomous Landing amidst High Sea States COMPUTER SCIENCE 陈新民,林跃,王继强 2023
Design of the Double-Sided Flat Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor with the Same Number of Poles and Slots 会议 杨九铜,陈进华,乔继军,杨桂林,张驰 2023
Fast Calculation of Electromagnetic Force and Vibration for Surface Mounted PMSM Considering Spatial Harmonic Suppression 2023 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND SYSTEMS (ICEMS) 赵士豪,陈进华,高云鹏,张驰 2023