论文题目 | 刊物 | 本单位作者 | 年度 |
Flexible structural polyethylene films for dynamically tunable energy harvesting from the sun and outer space | NANO ENERGY | 鲁越晖,楼其村,宋伟杰 | 2023 |
Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Vibration of A Dual Three-Phase PMSM Considering Current Harmonics and Winding Operating Modes | ICEMS | 赵士豪,陈进华,张驰,高云鹏 | 2023 |
涵道风扇电机强迫风冷散热结构设计与试验 | 微特电机 | 俞浪,熊俊辉,陈新民,陆佳南,徐茂 | 2023 |
Research on Slot-Frequency and Pole-Frequency Electromagnetic Vibration of Low Harmonic Surface-Mounted PMSM | IEEE 18TH CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICIEA) | 赵士豪,陈进华,李旭东,高云鹏,张驰,王冬杰 | 2023 |
Effects of the TiO2 content on the mechanical properties and galvanic corrosion resistance of Al2O3 coatings | CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL | 周鹏,方焕杰,王永欣,蒲吉斌 | 2023 |
Research on Winding MMF Harmonics of the PMSM with the Same Number of Poles and Slots | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS | 杨九铜,陈进华,杨桂林,张驰,赵士豪,乔继军,陈庆盈 | 2023 |
Efficient Kinematic Calibration for Articulated Robot Based on Unit Dual Quaternion | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS | 罗竞波,陈思鲁,张驰,陈庆盈,杨桂林 | 2023 |
Upcycling of thermoplastic polyurethane into covalent adaptable networks via chain breaking-crosslinking strategy | JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE | 王滨搏,朱锦 | 2023 |
An Iterative Dynamic Parameter Identification Method Based on Minimum Parameter Set for Collaborative Robots | THE 18TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS | 张拓璞,杜庆皓,杨桂林,陈庆盈,方灶军,张驰 | 2023 |
Model-based Performance Enhancement for Compound Twisted and Coiled Actuators | THE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICIRA 2023) | 张昊,杨桂林,张豪豪,郑天江,陈涛,张驰 | 2023 |